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Paolucci's Restaurant Ghost in Atchison Courtesy of Margie Begley during private party.
Former Riverhouse Restaurant, Atchison, 3 ghosts one picture. Look in back in chair. Courtesy of Darci taken during Atchison Ghost Tour.
3-Flower's Metaphysical Treasures, Topeka, Woman's Face in Mirror
Jayhawk Tower Alley Whino Ghost
Curtis Family Cemetery, ghost referred to as Tuxedo Man
Ghostly Cowboy Taken at Old Abilene Town during a ghost hunt courtesy of GTK and KPRS
Courtesy of Erin taken during North Topeka Tour
Courtesy of Pat Torrez taken during Downtown Topeka Tour
Taken on trap camera during Paloucci's ghost hunt. Look at the shadow in picture 2 looking over the person with their head on the table.
Shadow man captured in Pioneer Cemetery during Lawrence Ghost Tour. Also unusual green orb by tombstone.
Orb with letter K in the center taken at Sigma Nu Frat house Lawrence, Ks. Room was lined with pictures of former frat boys who all had sashes on with letter K.
3-Flower's Metaphysical Treasures courtesy of Julie on the HHHS Fundraiser walking tour. What do you think?
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